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Como Entrar A Hellbound???

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Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Empty Como Entrar A Hellbound???

Mensaje por german Vie Mar 20, 2009 6:50 pm

aca les dejo otra guia de como entrar a la isla hellbound
es ese espiral feo q tenemos abajo del mapa
bueno, no no hay que ir nadando hasta alla xD
espero q les sirva (esta en ingles como siempre :S)

Path To Hellbound

Since the lauch of the First Chaotic Throne, there are two quest which are needed to do to be able to enter Hellbound are of Lineage 2.

Familiar with Gludio's Warpgate guarded by Jirone and Heine's Warpgate guarded by Galate? Well, thats the only two portals for Hellbound, you cannot go and swim directly to the island and climb up, Hellbound is surrounded by high and steep cliffs, which cannot be climbed.

Getting the warpgate activated:

You can go to Isle of Prayer to start the long quest. Speak to Priest Kanis to start the process.

You must do the two quests, namely, "That's Bloody Hot!" and "Bird in a Cage" (must do it consecutively as enumeratted).

After finishing both quests... you must kill Baylor...

Before you proceed killing Baylor, you must to Dark Cloud Mansion quest, an instanced dungeon quest offered by Archeologist Yiyen. This is a time limit quest to obtain contaminated crystal in order to access the 4 instanced dungeon in Island Of Prayer. The location of Yiyen is near Chromatic Highlands. check you Map, Quest Tab for details and location.

You need to defeat 3 Raid Bosses first in the instanced dungeon before facing Baylor in Emeral Square.

After defeating him, an Oracle Guide will appear... this will port u to Parme way up high to Baylors lair.
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%20in%20a%20cage%204%20small
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%205%20small
Congratulations, You can now port to Hellbound via the Warpgates.

NOTE: Starting with Gracia, it`s much easier to acces Hellbound.

quest nº1: "That's Bloody Hot!"

This is the first quest of the two needed to acces
Hellbound area of Lineage 2. The quest starts in Island Of Prayer
regions. See the pictures for step by step guide.

Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Thatsbloodyhot%20hellbound%20lineage%202%20small
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Thatsbloodyhot%20hellbound%20lineage%202%202%20small
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Thatsbloodyhot%20hellbound%20lineage%202%202%20small

That`s it. Now you need to start the Bird in a Cage quest. See the Quest Section of our site to acces it.

quest nº2:Bird in a Cage

his is the second quest of the two needed to acces
Hellbound area of Lineage 2. The quest starts in Island Of Prayer
regions with the That`s Bloody Hot Quest and requires this second quest to be complete and give acces to Hellbound. See the pictures for step by step guide.

Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%20in%20cage%20lineage%202%20small
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%20in%20cage%20lineage%202%202%20small

Before you proceed killing Baylor, you must to Dark Cloud Mansion quest, an instanced dungeon quest offered by Archeologist Yiyen. This is a time limit quest to obtain contaminated crystal in order to access the 4 instanced dungeon in Island Of Prayer. The location of Yiyen is near Chromatic Highlands. check you Map, Quest Tab for details and location.

You need to defeat 3 Raid Bosses first in the instanced dungeon before facing Baylor in Emeral Square.

After defeating him, an Oracle Guide will appear... this will port u to Parme way up high to Baylors lair.
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%20in%20a%20cage%204%20small
Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Bird%205%20small
Congratulations, You can now port to Hellbound via the Warpgates.

bueno, ojala les sirva y espero que les haya gustado ^^

Cantidad de envíos : 16
Edad : 32
Localización : Gral. Las Heras
Fecha de inscripción : 11/03/2009

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Como Entrar A Hellbound??? Empty Re: Como Entrar A Hellbound???

Mensaje por zenit Dom Mar 29, 2009 2:29 pm

Jejeje muy util pero en Raid fight no anda funcionando asique llevé un summoner hasta alli con el wyrm Razz
Mira que soy pesao
Mira que soy pesao

Cantidad de envíos : 68
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2008

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